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Jason Haddix: A Conversation on AI, Bug Bounty, and Red Teaming

About the Guest: Jason Haddix is a seasoned cybersecurity professional with a wealth of experience spanning over two decades in the field. Recognized for his insightfu...

Bryson Bort: From Red to Purple: The Evolution of Cybersecurity

About the Guest: Bryson Bort is a recognized information security expert, founder, and entrepreneur with extensive experience in the cybersecurity field. Bryson is the...

Unleash Your Personal Brand & Master Professional Networking!

About the Guest: Phillip Wylie is a seasoned professional in the cybersecurity field, recognized for his expertise in offensive security and personal branding. With a ...

Andy Thompson: Journey From It To Offensive Security Research Evangelist

About The Guest: Andy Thompson, also known as Rainmaker, is a cybersecurity professional and a research evangelist at CyberArk. With over 20 years of experience in the...

Reanna Schultz: Tips on Breaking into Cybersecurity and Public Speaking

About The Guest:Reanna Shultz is a cybersecurity professional who currently works in a security operations center. She has a diverse background, having initially pursu...

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