Tennisha Martin: Cracking the Diversity Code

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Summary Tanisha Martin, founder of Black Girls Hack and organizer of Squad Con, shares her journey in cybersecurity, the importance of hands-on training, and the challenges of diversity in the industry. She also discusses the motivation behind organizing Squad Con and the need for scholarships to support diversity in cybersecurity education. Takeaways

  • The importance of hands-on training in cybersecurity education
  • The need for diversity and inclusion in the cybersecurity industry
  • The motivation behind organizing Squad Con and the impact of scholarships on diversity in cybersecurity education

Sound Bites

  • "Empowering Diversity in Cybersecurity Education"
  • "The Impact of Hands-On Training in Cybersecurity"
  • "Organizing Squad Con: A Journey to Diversity"


Tennisha Martin: Cracking the Diversity Code
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