Olivia Gallucci: Offensive Security, Coding, and Content Creation

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About The Guest

Olivia Gallucci is a junior at the Rochester Institute of Technology and an expert in offensive security and content creation. She has worked in various offensive roles, including pen testing and red teaming, and has also done freelance work in the field. Olivia is passionate about open source software and has contributed to several projects. She is known for her blog, oliviagallucci.com, where she shares her expertise in offensive security, open source, and glitter.


Olivia Gallucci, a junior at the Rochester Institute of Technology, shares her journey in offensive security and content creation. She emphasizes the importance of content creation in showcasing expertise and networking. Olivia discusses her experience in open source software and the benefits of contributing to the community. She also highlights her passion for malicious tool development in red teaming and exploit development. Olivia provides valuable advice for those interested in pursuing a similar career path.

Key Takeaways

  • Content creation is a powerful tool for showcasing expertise, networking, and finding opportunities.
  • Open source software provides a valuable learning platform and fosters collaboration within the community.
  • Malicious tool development in red teaming and exploit development requires a deep understanding of code and specific use cases.
  • Reading other people's code and searching GitHub for popular offensive tools are effective ways to learn and improve coding skills.
  • Getting a job in security or software development helps gain credibility and make connections in the field.


  • "Content creation has really been great in terms of showing people what I know how to do, but also helping me know how to do what I know how to do." - Olivia Gallucci
  • "Open source is an amazing place to start because you have YouTube for tutorials, but when you need help, the open source community breaks it down into simple concepts." - Olivia Gallucci
  • "Malicious tool development is like a puzzle, figuring out where you fit in and how to modify existing code to achieve specific use cases." - Olivia Gallucci
  • "Reading code and understanding what others have done is crucial in exploit development and identifying vulnerabilities." - Olivia Gallucci
  • "Getting a job in security or software development helps gain credibility and make connections to pursue a career in exploit development." - Olivia Gallucci

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Olivia Gallucci: Offensive Security, Coding, and Content Creation
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