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Rob Fuller (aka Mubix): From Hacking Games to Professional Hacker

About the Guest: Rob Fuller (Mubix): Rob Fuller, also known as Mubix, is a well-known figure in the cybersecurity community, particularly in the realms of penetration ...

Noah King: From Sales to Offensive Security Engineer

About The Guest: Noah King is a Senior Software Engineer at Horizon3.ai, specializing in offensive security and exploit development. Coming from a background in sales ...

Jake Krasnov: From Aerospace to Cybersecurity

About the Guest: Jacob Krasnov is a cybersecurity expert, CEO, and co-founder at BC Security. He and his co-founder Anthony and Vincent Rose have significantly contrib...

McKenna Dallmeyer: From Veterinarian Aspirations to Pentester

About the Guest: McKenna Dallmeyer is a technical account manager at Horizon3.ai, specializing in offensive security and penetration testing. Starting her academic jou...

White Knight Security: Navigating Advanced Red Team Operations

Summary In this conversation, John and Greg from White Knight Labs discuss their backgrounds and the work they do in red teaming and penetration testing. They explain ...

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